Video is a communication tool of the 21st century and it’s an important part of presenting products, services, and company identity.
The Director, camera operator, gaffers, animator, prop designer, costume designer, make-up crew, or the camera itself has a price. Every minute is money and they must be used effectively.
We offer you professional video services, which include especially:
- making the creative concept of your video
- writing a draft of the script
- making the audio track for your project
- shooting of your video
- post-production
- adding subtitles or video graphic
Video služby vo fáze vzniku koncepcie videa a prípravy scenára realizujeme najmä:
Video services in the beginning phase of creating the concept of your video and preparation of the script we can help you with:
- sketching key scenes
- mock-up photos of the key scenes
- scenes, we will sketch up with a camera
Po ukončení výroby videa sa cesta naších video služieb nekončí. Naše video služby zahŕňajú i asistenciu pri propagácii za pomoci:
After finishing the production of your video, we offer assistance with promotion with the help of:
- interior and exterior advertisement displays
- regional or national TV broadcast
- uploading videos on websites
- promotion with videos on social media
- promotion on different video web portals